
Welcome to my personal website!

I am a 20 year-old programmer from Serbia who is passionate about learning and exploring new things. I like to self-host many services to learn further how the internet we all use works, and I really love to take apart electronics.

Here you can find most of my work, and a blog that I run which is about the modern web, self-hosting, cyber-security and sometimes books! I also dabble in low-level programming (worked on a hobby kernel), and I love doing experimental projects (both hardware and software) that probably won’t work.

Whether you are interested in programming, decentralization, or are just looking for some interesting reads - I hope you will find something for you here. I am also always open for collaboration or discussion, so feel free to reach out to me through the contact page.

Thank you for checking out my corner of the internet, and I wish you a wonderful day!

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